More and more Canadians are anxious about how to pay our bills, worry about job security and no retirement benefits, and feel that standing up for our rights at work might cost us our job…
Too many of us are being left behind
These days, more and more people are in temporary and part-time jobs, and are left feeling insecure and anxious about their future and the future of their children. This is a broken situation and it will not get better unless we come together and take action.
We need a collective voice at work, as well as support from all our communities when we fight for our rights at work.
Governments must pass laws that help bring fairness and justice to the workplace. The Rights & Dignity at Work campaign will strengthen our ability to be able to speak up at work.
It will strengthen community support and government action to help with the fight for rights and dignity at work. Workers must be able to join unions and maintain union rights without fear of losing their jobs.
Together, we can take action and achieve fairness
Let’s share our experiences with each other to help determine how we can address these problems and demand real change, such as reforms to labour law and employment standards.
Community-led campaigns can ask the government to take effective action and fix the laws. Together, we can build long term strategies with allies and make it easier for people to organize to achieve decent jobs and stronger communities.
- Strengthen the ability of workers to fight for rights and dignity at work
- Make it easier for workers to join unions and maintain their union rights
- Strengthen community networks and government enforcement as part of the fight for rights and dignity at work
- Listen to workers and share their stories
- Determine what is needed to address the key issues – including reforms to labour law and employment standards
- Build community campaigns to put pressure on the government to fix the laws
- Build long term strategies with allies to make it easier for people to organize, through community groups and unions, to achieve decent jobs and support strong communities

- Come to our next community forum. Check our website’s calendar for more information.
- Start speaking to your local politician about the need for change
Email for more information.