A Good Jobs for All Coalition Submission:
The Gender Wage Gap and Changing Workplaces in Ontario
Submitted jointly to:
The Wage Gap Strategy Steering Committee
400 University Avenue, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 1T7
By email: GenderWageGap@ontario.ca
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The Changing Workplaces Review
ELCPB, 400 University Avenue, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 1T7
By email: CWR.SpecialAdvisors@ontario.ca
January, 2016
The Good Jobs for All Coalition was formed in 2008 and brings together a broad base of more than 30 community and labour organizations in the Greater Toronto Area. We are working to develop strategies that affirm the values of a truly just society including equity, a healthy environment and decent employment.
As part of that work we seek public policies that put an end to conditions which are eroding equality in the labour market and endangering good jobs with decent working conditions, pay and benefits. Instead we seek policies that help build an economy with good jobs for all, now and for the next generation.