The presentation is now available from the December 12, 2018 forum:
“What’s the story with the Google Toronto Sidewalk Lab Project?”

The presentation is now available from the December 12, 2018 forum:
“What’s the story with the Google Toronto Sidewalk Lab Project?”
In Ontario’s 2018 provincial election, we need to continue taking action against climate change.
The Good Jobs for All Coalition created the Election Charter for Climate Justice to support action now and after the election on June 7th. It contains nine great measures to be included in a proposed Climate Change Accountability Act.
Use the Charter at all-candidates meetings, in letters to the editor, on your doorstep when candidates ask for your vote, and in other ways you use to take action.
Here are three questions you can ask candidates and parties:
The Good Jobs for All coalition has endorsed the Community Day of Action on Saturday April 9, 2011. Follow Respect Toronto on Facebook.
1 p.m. Saturday, April 9, 2011
Rally at Dundas Square, followed by a march to Toronto City HallWhat’s at Stake?
• Services and programs that serve every resident and community, such as libraries, child care and recreation centres
• TTC serving all neighbourhoods
• Environmental leadership in challenging climate change
• Keeping public control of public services, such as garbage pickup
• Safeguarding vital public assets, such as housing
• Good jobs and the fundamental rights of workers
2011 City Budget Launched
The proposed 2011 City Budget was released at City Hall this week. This year, the City will consider its Capital, Operating, Water and Solid Waste budgets together and in a shorter period of time.
The budget will determine how much funding is available to deliver the City programs, services, and facilities that residents rely on every day. I want you to understand how the budget will affect these services, and I want to hear your views.
Over the next three weeks, the Budget Committee and Council will debate, make changes and approve the budget. Your input can make a difference.
Below you will find more information about the 2011 budget proposals and the next article in this newsletter details how to get involved. For more information about the budget, you can view the City web page at
Budget Highlights
The 2011 proposed budget has been balanced by drawing on our savings (reserves), reducing services and using the one-time surplus of $350 Million from 2009 and 2010. With a tax increase of 0% and the elimination of $64 million in revenue from the Personal Vehicle Tax, the City has fewer ongoing revenues to build a sustainable budget for the future.
The following is a summary of some of most important features of the proposed 2011 Budget.
Property Taxes, Water Rates and Garbage Fees
• The proposed property tax rate increase from last year is 0%, so your property tax bill should stay the same.
• The proposed Water Rate increase is 9% over last year, which will cost the average homeowner an additional $60 per year on their water bill
• The proposed Garbage Bin Fee increase is 3%, which will cost the average household $6-$12 per year, depending on the size of bin used.
Parks and Recreation
• Fees for recreation programs will increase 3% over last year
• Adults taking programs at designated Priority Recreation Centres, such as the Secord Recreation Centre, will now have to pay fees for programs.
Public Library
• The Urban Affairs Library at Metro Hall will be closed, and the collections and staff moved to the Toronto Reference Library.
• The number of books purchased for circulation will be significantly reduced, meaning you will wait much longer to borrow some books
• Funding to support tenants will be cut by $100,000
• The TTC has proposed reducing the service on 48 routes, including the 62 Mortimer Bus after 10pm on weekends and holidays.
• Fares may be frozen if the City and TTC can find $24m in cuts elsewhere in the budget to offset the cost
Police Services
• 200 to 250 positions will not be filled when officers retire in 2011
Toronto Water Programs
• Drain Grant Program that provides $1500 to property owners for broken sewer pipes will be eliminated
• Water efficient toilet and washer rebate program eliminated
• Lead Water Service replacement program reduced
2011 Budget Process
Once the public hearings have been completed, the budget will be considered at the following meetings:
• January 19: Budget Committee Hearings at the East York Civic Centre (see for more information) and the North York Civic Centre.
• January 20: Budget Committee Hearings at the York and Scarborough Civic Centres
• January 24 and 25: further Budget Committee meetings
• February 10: Budget Committee Final Review of the 2011 Budget
• February 17: Executive Committee reviews the Budget
• February 23, 24, 25, and 28: Toronto City Council meeting to approve the budget
City Hall: Councillor Janet Davis 100 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor, Suite C57 Toronto, ON M5H 2N2 |
Community Office: East York Civic Centre 850 Coxwell Avenue East York, ON M4C 5R1 Phone: 416-397-4870 |
A Canada-EU free trade deal would create a huge trade deficit for Canada, resulting in the loss of up to 150,000 Canadian jobs, says a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).
The Toronto Mayoral Candidates Racial Justice Report Card was released earlier this month and is compiled of one-on-one interviews with each of the candidates, as well as a thorough review of policy and platform positions and assorted media coverage of the campaign up to late September.
Continue reading Colour of Poverty Releases Racial Justice Report Card
By Laurell Ritchie, CAW National Representative
The government’s October 12 announcement that they will extend two EI pilot projects for eight more months (“Best 14 Weeks” and “40% Allowable Earnings”) is welcome news for the many workers who find themselves in precarious employment. The government should move quickly to make them permanent features of the EI Act.
Continue reading Cities Get the Cold Shoulder with EI Announcement
TEA has evaluated and graded over 200 council candidates in all wards of the city based on answers to our survey about their environmental commitment.
Continue reading Municipal Candidates Graded on their Environmental Priorities
Municipal decisions shape our everyday lives, from the quality of our public services to the health of our environment. It’s important we get involved.
Here are five ways you can take action.
Download the Flyer for the – Voters Event-Oct 20th
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Continue reading YOUR CITY YOUR VOTE YOUR VOICE – Voters Event, Oct 20, Ward 1