Packed house for OneToronto Emergency Meeting Monday Night
By Jennifer Story
We asked audience members what they will do this election. Check out photos from the event. Thank you Shaila, Leanne, and Nigel for taking photos.
It was standing room only last night at the Church of the Holy Trinity as concerned residents came together to map out a game plan for the municipal election. Their goal? To wake up on October 26th knowing Toronto has a Mayor and Council that is focused on building on Toronto’s successes, caring for its neighbours, protecting the environment and fostering community.
The room was buzzing with energy as people sang, tweeted, wrote letters and shared their vision for the future of Toronto. Highlights from the evening included four hundred people stomping and clapping to Taby Johnson’s “OneToronto Song”.
Former Mayor and veteran City builder David Crombie reminded everyone that the public has the power to demand change. Che Kothari from the Manifesto Festival urged everyone harness the energy and ideas of young people and get them involved in this election.
The night was focused on action and simple steps people can take to change the debate. Canadian filmmaker and director Jack Blum gave everyone three messages to take to municipal candidates (“Facts Not Fury”, “Protect What’s Great” and “My Toronto Includes Everyone”). So many audience members sent out messages via Twitter throughout the night that they made OneToronto (#OneTO) a trending topic in Toronto for the evening.
In the end, everyone left committed to spread the word, get active, and most of all vote.
For a list of things you can do to raise the bar on the debate and protect what’s great in Toronto, check out . Sign up on the site for campaign updates so you can stay up to date with the latest OneToronto campaign developments.