In Ontario’s 2018 provincial election, we need to continue taking action against climate change.
The Good Jobs for All Coalition created the Election Charter for Climate Justice to support action now and after the election on June 7th. It contains nine great measures to be included in a proposed Climate Change Accountability Act.
Use the Charter at all-candidates meetings, in letters to the editor, on your doorstep when candidates ask for your vote, and in other ways you use to take action.
Here are three questions you can ask candidates and parties:
- Do you support a Climate Change Accountability Act that would include adequate measures to ensure Ontario’s legislated Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction targets are met?
- Do you agree that all revenues earned under the cap and trade system be spent on GHG reduction activities? (Note: The undesirable alternative approach is to give residents “dividends” or to put funds into general revenues.)
- Do you support “just transition” measures to reduce GHGs, so that the negative impact is minimized on workers and historically marginalized groups and they are involved in decision-making? This includes measures such as:
- Just transition funds
- Investing in publicly owned renewable energy, public transit, public building retrofits
- Stopping privatization of Hydro
- Community Benefit Agreements for all infrastructure projects over $50-million
- Mandatory joint union/management environment committees in workplaces