“A report released last week asked why the province is paying early childhood educators about $10,000 a year less than recommended.”
Call Minister of Education Kathleen Wynne on Tuesday December 15th.In the last election, the Liberal Government promised a program of full-day learning for 4 and 5 year olds, improvements to funding for younger children and fee savings for parents. Premier McGunity appointed an Early Learning Advisory – Dr. Charles Pascal to recommend implementation. The report entitled With Our Best Future in Mind: Implementing Early Learning in Ontario recommends ECE’s be part of a team of professionals working to provide early learning and care under the Ministry of Education.
The Provincial Government has announced implemention of phase one of full-day learning starting in September 2010. The province plans to fund early childhood educators at $19.48 an hour, or roughly $30,000 per school year which is far less than recommended by the Early Learning Advisor. The government needs to give ECEs the respect, recognition and living wage they deserve by providing school boards the funding needed to equitably compensate the profession.
Call Minister of Education Kathleen Wynne on Tuesday December 15th. Phone: 416-325-6000
Toll-Free:1-800-387-5514 (press 1 for English, 2 for French. Then press 5 to reach an operator)
What does the Minister of Education Say?
The Toronto Star ran a story with the following quote:
“A report released last week asked why the province is paying early childhood educators about $10,000 a year less than recommended.
But Education Minister Kathleen Wynne said the province settled on a fair wage after looking at what ECEs across the province earn.”
ECE Wages and Working Conditions: An Issue of Quality
– We know community-based programs have been underfunded for years. ECE’s in the school system should be paid in line with what other people in the school system earn – based on our education, skills and experience.
– As the wages of ECE’s rise in the school sytem, we must continue our advocacy so that the wages all all ECE’s rise – both in the not-for-proft community sector and the public education system.
Our Message:
* Ontario’s Early Learning Program Needs to be Properly Funded
* The Ontario Government Needs to Respect the Skills and Experience of ECE’s
On Tuesday December 15, please call Minister Wynne’s office and leave a message with her staff.
Your points can include:
– Introduce yourself: I am an ECE. I work in _____________ community (your town or city).
– Ontario’s new Early Learning Progam needs to be properly funded to succeed. Poor wages and working conditions will undermine the teacher team and the quality of the program.
– Registered ECE’s are needed to work in the full-day learning because we are specialists in working with young children, with much needed skills and experience. We must be paid fairly, like other school board employees.
– Underfunding this program is no way to start a new partnership and program meant to benefit Ontario’s children and families. The Provincial Government must fund ECE salaries according to Dr. Pascal’s recommendations to ensure fairness and quality.
What to Expect: Call between 9 and 5, say you would like to leave a message for Minister Wynne – you will either talk to a staffperson, or leave a message in voice-mail.
What to Remember: Calling is not stressful or intimidating. It is the Ministry’s job to listen to us and take our calls. ECE’s are amazing and the Minister needs to hear our opinions!
This action alert is sponsored by the Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care and Family Supports Institute of Ontario